Penne Skewes

Penne Skewes


Rec – Year 9, Adults – Literacy, Numeracy & Computing

My passion is learning and encouraging others to learn. My experience includes running my own tutoring business for 8 years, working as a lecturer in Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy for 11 years and experience in training and coordinating.  My qualifications include current studies in the Masters in Education (Special Education), Graduate Certificate in Education, specialising in Special Education, undergraduate degree in Social Science, including the psychology of learning, Diploma in Teaching and Assessing and Certificate IV in Literacy and Numeracy.  All these qualifications and experience make me suitably qualified to work with children from Reception to year 9 and adults who require assistance with literacy, numeracy and digital literacy (computing) to assist them with further study or for personal interest.

Through experience, I have learned that everyone is different and learning needs to be tailored to a person’s level and interest. This is not always easy to do in a classroom environment but is possible through tutoring and therefore why tutoring can yield greater results. Some people take longer to master certain concepts and so need the extra support, encouragement and guidance for them to flourish. I work on building confidence and the desire to learn first so that motivation is high and knowledge will be retained. “Practice Makes Better” is my motto, and I have seen many children and adults increase their knowledge through appropriate instruction and support.  This is what we aim to provide at PMB Tutoring.